Saturday, 30 June 2012

ничего не... / ...nothing

Satire on government officials, politicians etc. 
Made in Krita (2.5alpha), it is nothing outstanding sown here about the possibilities of the program ,only the process of drawing,

Желчная сатира на тему чиновников , политиков и прочей дряни. 
Сделано в  Krita (2.5alpha), ничего выдающегося о возможностях программы тут не показал, только процесс  рисования, хотя в программе изумительные "карандаш" и кисть для набросков.

The final image has some color adjustments  that were made after recording this video.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

First one

Today my son's first tooth appeared! :)

Первый вылез, долго ждали :)

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Krita sketch brush

I've got Krita2.5_Alpha for windows. Well it became much faster.
The Sketch brush is awesome!!

Speedpant - Turtle

Don is a little strange here, but i was following by my hand ))
Krita, 20min.

Няшный какой-то, но так поперло

Monday, 25 June 2012

Timelaps Mypaint

This is my first timelaps  just to show the process  of how i am drawing in MyPaint
I am using GIMP to add some effects or texture and  do some adjustment. You'll see it  in the end of the video.

Это мое первое видое вообще, сделал для демонстрации процесса рисования. В конце немного  покуритл в ее GIMP-e. Я очень активно использую горячие клавиши, что позволяет значительно ускорить процесс - в большенстве своем, они  собраны под левой рукой.

The final picture

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Good man

"... i knew him, he was a good man, it is big honor for us..."

I think we have a lot of customs that looks strange for the others. 

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Nasty pigeon

GIMP 2.8  has become more obedient , and this ugly pigeon helped me :)